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Migrating to version 9

This guide is primarily for users of Kongponents v8 who want to browse the breaking changes they may encounter when upgrading to Kongponents v9.

This is not something you have to read from top to bottom before trying out the new version.

If you notice any breaking changes we missed, we invite you to open an issue.

General Breaking Changes


Kongponents styles are no longer designed to be utilized standalone, separately from the Vue components. Any standalone imports of the exported styles or Sass variables and/or mixins are no longer supported.

Breaking Component Changes



  • alertMessage prop has been changed to message
  • isShowing prop has been removed. You can use Vue native v-if binging to control whether alert is shown or hidden
  • type prop has been removed. KAlert only comes in form of themed-color (defined by appearance prop) container
  • dismissType prop has been removed. KAlert can only be dismissed by clicking on close icon text to title, which is either hidden or visible depending on value of new dismissible prop
  • size prop has been removed
  • icon, iconSize, iconColor props has been removed. You can use icon slot to override default icon
  • description prop has been removed
  • isBordered, hasTopBorder, hasRightBorder, hasBottomBorder, hasLeftBorder props has been removed. KAlert does not have a border by default
  • isFixed prop has been removed


  • alertMessage slot has been removed. You can use the default slot to pass alert message content
  • title slot has been removed
  • description slot has been removed
  • actionButtons slot has been removed


  • closed event has been renamed to dismiss
  • proceed event has been been removed


  • k-alert-icon-container class has been replaced with alert-icon-container
  • k-alert-msg-text class has been replaced with alert-content
  • k-alert-title class has been replaced with alert-title
  • k-alert-msg class has been replaced with alert-message

Constants, Types & Interfaces

  • AlertSize type has been removed
  • AlertType type has been removed
  • AlertDismissType type has been removed





Constants, Types & Interfaces

  • appearances const is no longer exported by the KAlert component. Instead, you can import AlertAppearances from @kong/kongponents directly.



  • appearance prop no longer accepts default and custom values (defaults to info now)
  • isBordered prop has been removed
  • shape prop has been removed (now KBadge only comes in one what used to be rectangular shape)
  • borderColor prop has been removed
  • backgroundColor prop has beed removed
  • color prop has been removed
  • dismissable prop has been removed. You can now pass a clickable close icon (remember to add role="button" and tabindex="0" attributes) through the icon slot and handle KBadge showing/hiding from your host app
  • hoverColor prop has been removed
  • truncationTooltip prop has been changed to boolean. When used in conjunction with new tooltip prop, KBadge will only show the tooltip when content passed through the default slot needs truncation. Otherwise, if tooltip prop is used without truncationTooltip prop - tooltip will be shown regardless of whether truncation is needed
  • forceTooltip prop has been removed
  • hidden prop has been removed


  • dynamic k-badge-* classes have been removed
  • k-badge-text class has been changed to badge-content-wrapper
  • KIcon element that previously contained class k-badge-dismiss-button has been removed

Constants, Types & Interfaces

  • BadgeAppearances const no longer contains default and custom values
  • BadgeAppearance type no longer contains default and custom values
  • BadgeShapes const has been removed
  • BadgeShape type has been removed
  • BadgeShapeRecord type has been removed


  • dismissed even has been removed



  • emphasis prop has been removed


  • k-breadcrumbs-item class has been replaced with breadcrumbs-item-container
  • k-breadcrumb-icon-wrapper class has been replaced with breadcrumbs-icon-container
  • k-breadcrumb-text class has been replaced with breadcrumbs-text
  • k-breadcrumb-divider class has been replaced with kbreadcrumbs-divider

Constants, Types & Interfaces

  • icon property has been removed from BreadcrumbItem interface



  • some values appearance prop accepts were changed:
    • outline has been removed (we suggest using secondary instead)
    • creation has been removed (we suggest using primary instead)
    • btn-link is no longer accepted (we suggest using tertiary instead)
    • btn-link-danger has been removed
    • action-active has been removed
  • showCaret prop is removed
  • caretColor prop is removed
  • isRounded prop is removed
  • icon prop has changed to boolean. Use it when only content you're passing to KButton is an icon to make KButton square


  • icon slot has been deprecated. Please use default slot instead


  • icon-btn class has been renamed to icon-button

Constants, Types & Interfaces

  • appearances and sizes constants are no longer exported by the KButton component. Instead, you can import ButtonAppearances and ButtonSizes from @kong/kongponents directly



  • testMode prop has been removed
  • body prop has been removed. Use default slot instead
  • borderVariant prop has been removed. KCard has a border by default
  • hasHover prop has been removed
  • hasShadow prop has been removed. KCard does not have a box-shadow by default
  • status prop has been removed


  • statusHat slot has been removed
  • body slot has been removed. Use the default slot instead
  • notifications slot has been removed


  • kong-card class has been changed to k-card
  • hover class has been removed
  • kcard-shadow class has been removed
  • k-card-header class has been changed to card-header
  • has-status class has been removed
  • k-card-status-hat class has been removed
  • k-card-title class has been changed to card-title
  • k-card-actions class has been changed to card-actions
  • k-card-content class has been changed to card-content
  • k-card-body class has been removed
  • k-card-notifications class has been removed

Constants, Types & Interfaces

  • BorderVariantsArray constant has been removed
  • BorderVariant type has been removed



  • isLoading prop has been removed and replaced with loading prop
  • noTruncation prop has been removed and replaced with truncateDescription prop
  • emptyStateActionButtonIcon prop has been removed. You can use the new empty-state-action-icon slot instead
  • emptyStateIcon prop has been removed. You can use the new emptyStateIconVariant prop instead
  • hasError prop has been removed and replaced with error prop
  • emptyStateIconColor prop has been removed
  • emptyStateIconSize prop has been removed
  • errorStateIcon prop has been removed
  • errorStateIconColor prop has been removed
  • errorStateIconSize prop has been removed
  • testMode prop has been removed


  • cardTitle props has been renamed to card-title
    • same change applies to KCatalogItem component
  • cardActions prop has been renamed to card-actions
    • same change applies to KCatalogItem component
  • cardBody prop has been renamed to card-body
    • same change applies to KCatalogItem component


  • card:click event has been renamed to card-click
  • in KCatalogItem component card:click event has been renamed to click
  • kcatalog-error-cta-clicked event has been renamed to error-action-click
  • kcatalog-empty-state-cta-clicked event has been renamed to empty-state-action-click


  • k-card-catalog class has been replaced with k-catalog
  • k-card-catalog-title class has been replaced with catalog-title
  • k-catalog-title data-testid property has been replaced with catalog-title
  • k-catalog-toolbar class and data-testid attribute has been replaced with catalog-toolbar
  • k-skeleton-grid class has been replaced with catalog-skeleton-loader
  • k-catalog-skeleton data-testid attribute has been replaced with catalog-skeleton-loader
  • k-catalog-error-state class has been replaced with catalog-error-state
  • k-card-catalog-error-state data-testid attribute has been replaced with catalog-error-state
  • k-catalog-empty-state class has been replaced with catalog-empty-state
  • k-card-catalog-empty-state data-testid attribute has been replaced with catalog-empty-state
  • k-catalog-page class has been replaced with catalog-page
  • k-card-[small | medium | large] classes were replaced with card-[small | medium | large]
  • k-catalog-pagination class and data-testid attribute has been replaced with catalog-pagination
  • k-card-catalog-item class has been replaced with k-catalog-item



  • testMode prop has been removed
  • help property of labelAttributes prop has been deprecated in favor of info


  • k-input class has been changed to checkbox-input
  • k-checkbox-label class has been changed to checkbox-label
  • k-checkbox-description class has been changed to checkbox-description
  • has-desc class has been been changed to has-description



  • new maxHeight prop to control the max-height of the code block. Defaults to none
  • isSearchable prop has been removed and replaced with searchable
  • isProcessing prop has been removed and replaced with processing
  • isSingleLine prop has been removed and replaced with singleLine


  • k-code-block-actions class has been changed to code-block-actions
  • k-code-block-search-results class has been changed to code-block-search-results
  • k-code-block-search-results-has-query class has been changed to code-block-search-results-has-query
  • k-search-container class has been changed to search-container
  • k-search-icon class has been changed to code-block-search-icon
  • k-code-block-search-icon data-testid attribute has been replaced with code-block-search-icon
  • k-code-block-search-input class and data-testid attribute has been changed to code-block-search-input
  • k-code-block-search-error class has been changed to code-block-search-error
  • k-is-processing-icon class has been changed to processing-icon
  • k-code-block-is-processing-icon data-testid attribute has been replaced with processing-icon
  • k-clear-query-button and k-clear-icon classes changed to clear-query-button
  • k-code-block-clear-query-button and k-code-block-clear-icon data-testid attributes were replaced with clear-query-button
  • k-search-actions class has been changed to code-block-search-actions
  • k-regexp-mode-button class has been changed to regexp-mode-button
  • k-code-block-regexp-mode-button data-testid attribute has been replaced with regexp-mode-button
  • k-filter-mode-button class has been changed to filter-mode-button
  • k-code-block-filter-mode-button data-testid attribute has been replaced with filter-mode-button
  • k-previous-match-button class has been changed to previous-match-button
  • k-code-block-previous-match-button data-testid attribute has been replaced with previous-match-button
  • k-next-match-button class has been changed to next-match-button
  • k-code-block-next-match-button data-testid attribute has been replaced with next-match-button
  • k-code-block-content class has been changed to code-block-content
  • k-filtered-code-block class has been changed to filtered-code-block
  • k-code-block-filtered-code-block data-testid attribute has been replaced with filtered-code-block
  • k-line-number-rows class has been changed to line-number-rows
  • k-line class has been changed to line
  • k-line-anchor class has been changed to line-anchor
  • k-highlighted-code-block class has been changed to highlighted-code-block
  • k-code-block-highlighted-code-block data-testid attribute has been replaced with highlighted-code-block
  • is-single-line class has been changed to single-line
  • k-line-number-rows class has been changed to line-number-rows
  • k-line-is-match class has been changed to line-is-match
  • k-line-is-highlighted-match class has been changed to line-is-highlighted-match
  • k-line-anchor class has been changed to line-anchor
  • k-code-block-secondary-actions class has been changed to code-block-secondary-actions
  • k-code-block-copy-button class and data-testid attribute has been changed to code-block-copy-button
  • k-matched-term class has been replaced with matched-term




Constants, Types & Interfaces



  • toggled event was renamed to toggle


  • k-collapse-heading class has been replaced with collapse-heading
  • k-collapse-title class and data-testid attribute has been replaced with collapse-title
  • k-collapse-trigger class has been replaced with collapse-trigger
  • k-collapse-trigger-content class and data-testid attribute has been replaced with collapse-trigger-content
  • k-collapse-trigger-label class and data-testid attribute has been replaced with collapse-trigger-label
  • k-collapse-trigger-chevron class has been replaced with collapse-trigger-icon
  • k-collapse-trigger-icon class and data-testid attribute has been replaced with collapse-trigger-icon
  • k-collapse-visible-content class and data-testid attribute has been replaced with collapse-visible-content
  • k-collapse-hidden-content class and data-testid attribute has been replaced with collapse-hidden-content



  • v-model Single date and time picker's seed value (string in ISO date format) has been changed to a TimeRange object whose start value will be set to a Date ISO string; end value will be set to null. See KDateTimePickers's v-model for more details


  • change, update:modelValue – a Single date and time picker will no longer emit an ISO date format string. Instead, a TimeRange object with a Date ISO string start value, and a null end value will be emitted. See KDateTimePickers's Single date time picker events for more details


  • timepicker-input class has been changed to datetime-picker-trigger
  • k-datetime-picker-input data-testid attribute has been changed to datetime-picker-trigger
  • timepicker-display class has been changed to datetime-picker-display
  • k-datetime-picker-display data-testid attribute has been changed to datetime-picker-display
  • k-datetime-picker-toggle data-testid attribute has been changed to datetime-picker-toggle
  • k-datetime-picker-clear data-testid attribute has been changed to datetime-picker-clear
  • k-datetime-picker-submit data-testid attribute has been changed to datetime-picker-submit
  • timeframe-btn class has been changed to timeframe-button
  • action-btn class has been changed to action-button

Constants, Types & Interfaces

  • TimeRange - start and end keys are now defined as Date | null
  • hidePopover property in DateTimePickerState interface has been renamed to popoverOpen


Component has been renamed to KDropdown


  • label prop has been deprecated in favor of the new triggerText prop (usage is the same)
  • appearance prop has been changed in favor of the selectionMenu prop for the selection menu functionality. appearance now controls the underlying KButton appearance prop (note that default appearance for component when selectionMenu is true changed from tertiary to primary)
  • buttonAppearance prop has been removed in favor of appearance, still controlling the KButton appearance prop
  • testMode prop has been removed
  • icon prop is removed
  • caretColor prop is removed
  • isDangerous KDropdownItem prop has been deprecated in favor of danger


  • k-dropdown-menu class has been removed (k-dropdown class remains)
  • k-dropdown-menu-popover data-testid attribute has been renamed to k-dropdown-popover
  • k-dropdown-trigger class has been removed
  • k-dropdown-trigger data-testid attribute has been renamed to dropdown-trigger
  • k-dropdown-btn class has been renamed to dropdown-trigger-button
  • k-dropdown-btn data-testid attribute has been renamed to dropdown-trigger-button
  • k-dropdown-list class has been removed
  • k-dropdown-list data-testid attribute has been renamed to dropdown-list
  • k-dropdown-selected-option class has been renamed to dropdown-selected-option
  • k-dropdown-item-trigger class has been renamed to dropdown-item-trigger
  • k-dropdown-item-trigger-label class has been renamed to dropdown-item-trigger-label
  • dynamic k-dropdown-item data-testid attribute has been renamed to dropdown-item

Constants, Types & Interfaces

  • AppearanceArray const has been removed
  • Appearance type has been removed



  • isError prop has been removed. You can use the new iconVariant prop instead. For more details check out component documentation
  • iconSize prop has been removed
  • icon prop has been removed and replaced with iconVariant prop. You can also use the new icon slot to provide your custom icon
  • ctaIsHidden prop has been removed and replaced with actionButtonVisible prop
  • ctaText prop has been removed and replaced with actionButtonText prop
  • handleClick prop has been removed. You can bind your action button click handler function to new click-action event
  • iconColor prop has been removed
  • iconSecondaryColor prop has been removed


  • message slot has been renamed to default
  • cta slot has been renamed to action


  • empty-state-wrapper class has been changed to k-empty-state
  • k-empty-state-icon class has been changed to empty-state-icon
  • k-empty-state-title-header class has been changed to empty-state-title
  • k-empty-state-message class has been changed to empty-state-message
  • k-empty-state-cta class has been changed to empty-state-action

No breaking changes.



  • testMode prop has been removed
  • buttonAppearance prop has been removed. Default button appearance has been changed to tertiary
  • fileModel prop has been removed
  • removable prop has been removed. Component allows to clear input by default
  • iconSize prop has been removed
  • iconColor prop has been removed
  • icon prop has been removed
  • hasError prop has been renamed to error
  • type prop has been removed
  • default value for errorMessage has been changed to ''


  • k-file-upload-btn class has been changed to file-upload-button
  • k-file-upload-button data-testid attribute has been changed to file-upload-button

Constants, Types & Interfaces

  • FileUploadType type has been removed


This component has been removed.


This component has been removed.



  • overlayLabel prop has been removed
  • size prop has been removed (KInput only comes in 1 size now)
  • iconPosition prop has been removed
  • testMode prop has been removed
  • help property of labelAttributes prop has been deprecated in favor of info
  • hasError prop has been deprecated in favor of error


  • icon slot has been removed. Instead, you can use new before and/or after slots to provide icons on the left/right, inside the input


  • icon:click event has been removed. Instead, when using before and/or after slots, you can provide your custom click handlers bound to clicks on slotted content. See KInput's slots for more details


  • form-control class has been removed
  • over-char-limit class has been removed
  • help class has been changed to help-text
  • k-input-wrapper class has been changed to k-input
  • input.k-input element class has been changed to .input

Constants, Types & Interfaces

  • SizeArray and IconPositionArray constants have been removed
  • Size and IconPosition types have been removed



  • labelPosition prop has been removed. Please use labelBefore prop instead
  • enabledIcon prop has been removed


  • k-switch class has been removed
  • switch-with-icon class has been removed
  • has-label-right and has-label-left classes were removed



  • help prop has been deprecated in favor of info
  • testMode prop has been removed


  • k-input-label class has been renamed to k-label
  • is-required class has been renamed to required

Constant, Types & Interfaces

  • positionFixed parameter was removed from TooltipAttributes interface


This component has been removed.


This component has been removed. Please refer to KBadge component which has been updated to support method appearances.

Constants, Types & Interfaces

  • MethodShape, Method and MethodBadgeColors types have been removed
  • MethodsArray const has been removed



  • new maxWidth prop to control the width of the modal. Defaults to 500px
  • testMode prop has been removed
  • hideTitle prop has been removed
  • hideDismissIcon prop has been removed and replaced with hideCloseIcon
  • dismissButtonTheme prop has been removed
  • textAlign prop has been removed
  • isVisible prop has been removed and replaced with visible prop
  • content prop has been removed. You can use the default slot instead


  • header-image slot has been removed. You can use content to pass custom content to KModal
  • header-content slot has been removed
  • body-content slot had been removed. You can use the default slot instead
  • footer-content slot has been changed to footer
  • action-buttons slot has been changed to footer-actions


  • canceled event has been renamed to cancel


  • k-modal-backdrop class has been removed and replaced with modal-backdrop
  • k-modal-dialog class has been removed and replaced with modal-container
  • k-modal-content class has been removed and replaced with modal-content
  • k-modal-footer class has been removed and replaced with modal-footer

Constants, Types & Interfaces

  • DismissButtonThemeArray const has been removed
  • DismissButtonTheme type has been removed
  • TextAlignArray const has been removed
  • TextAlign type has been removed


This component is deprecated and will be removed in the next major release.



  • testMode prop has been removed
  • filterFunc prop name has been changed to filterFunction
  • disabledTooltipText property of object passed through items prop is no longer supported
  • default value of collapsedContext prop has changed to true
  • default value of selectedRowCount prop has changed to 1
  • expandSelected prop has been removed
  • positionFixed prop has been removed


  • item:added event was renamed to item-added
  • item:removed event was renamed to item-removed


  • k-multiselect-item class has been changed to multiselect-item
  • k-multiselect-item-container class has been changed to multiselect-item-container
  • k-multiselect-item-label class has been changed to multiselect-item-label
  • k-multiselect-group-container class has been changed to multiselect-group-container
  • k-multiselect-group-title class has been changed to multiselect-group-title
  • k-multiselect-label data-testid attribute has been changed to multiselect-label
  • k-multiselect-container data-testid attribute has been changed to multiselect-container
  • k-multiselect-wrapper class has been changed to multiselect-wrapper
  • k-multiselect-trigger class and data-testid attribute has been changed to multiselect-trigger
  • k-multiselect-selections class and data-testid attribute has been changed to selection-badges-container
  • k-multiselect-selection-badge class has been changed to multiselect-selection-badge
  • k-multiselect-icon class has been changed to multiselect-icons-container
  • k-multiselect-clear-icon class and data-testid attribute has been changed to multiselect-clear-icon
  • k-multiselect-input class and data-testid attribute has been changed to multiselect-input
  • k-multiselect-list class has been changed to multiselect-list
  • k-multiselect-new-item class has been changed to multiselect-add-item
  • k-multiselect-empty-item class and data-testid attribute has been changed to multiselect-empty-item
  • k-multiselect-dropdown-footer-text class has been changed to dropdown-footer
  • k-multiselect-popover class has been changed to multiselect-popover
  • k-multiselect-chevron-icon class has been changed to multiselect-chevron-icon

Constants, Types & Interfaces

  • MultiselectFilterFnParams interface has been renamed to MultiselectFilterFunctionParams


KPagination now uses KDropdown instead of KSelect as the underlying component for page size selection.


  • testMode prop has been removed
  • paginationType prop has been removed. You can use the new offset prop instead
  • offsetPrevButtonDisabled prop has been renamed to offsetPreviousButtonDisabled


  • pageChanged event has been renamed to pageChange
  • pageSizeChanged event has been renamed to pageSizeChange
  • getPrevOffset event has been renamed to getPreviousOffset


  • card-pagination-bar has been removed and replaced with k-pagination
  • k-pagination-container has been replaced with k-pagination
  • prev-btn data-testid attribute has been changed to previous-button
  • *-btn part in various data-testid attributes has been updated to *-button

Constants, Types & Interfaces

  • PageChangedData interface has been renamed to PageChangeData
  • PageSizeChangedData interface has been renamed to PageSizeChangeData
  • PaginationType type has been removed



  • isSvg prop has been removed
  • default value of buttonText prop has changed
  • popoverTransitions prop has been removed
  • testMode prop has been removed
  • onPopoverClick prop has been removed. You can a combination of new closeOnPopoverClick prop and popover-click event instead <<<<<<< Updated upstream
  • positionFixed prop default value has been changed to true
  • placement prop options have changed, see Constants, Types & Interfaces for more details
  • hidePopover prop has been removed. Instead, you can use the method hidePopover exposed by the component =======
  • placement prop options have changed, see Constants, Types & Interfaces section for more details
  • hidePopover prop has been removed. Instead, you can use exposed by the component hidePopover method

Stashed changes

  • target prop has been removed (popover element is always mounted to .k-popover element)
  • positionFixed prop has been removed (popover element always uses position: fixed)


  • actions slot has been removed


  • opened event has been renamed to open
  • closed event has been renamed to close


  • kpop-button ... has been replaced with popover-button
  • k-popover-header class has been replaced with popover-header
  • k-popover-title class has been replaced with popover-title
  • k-popover-content class has been replaced with popover-content
  • k-popover-footer class has been replaced with popover-footer
  • k-popover class has been replaced with popover (instead, k-popover class has been given to outer-most element)

Constants, Types & Interfaces

  • format of most placement options in PopPlacementsArray has changed: topStart -> top-start, rightEnd -> right-end, etc.
    • same applies to PopPlacements type



  • isVisible prop has been removed and replaced with visible prop
  • type prop has been removed. You can use actionButtonAppearance prop to modify appearance of action button instead
  • actionPending prop has been removed. We suggest using actionButtonDisabled prop instead
  • preventProceedOnEnter prop has been removed
  • tabbableOptions has been removed. You can use new modalAttributes prop to pass value to tabbableOptions prop in KModal


  • header-content slot has been removed
  • body-content slot has been changed to default
  • action-buttons slot has been removed. If you need to slot in custom action buttons, check out KModal component


  • canceled event has been renamed to cancel


  • k-prompt-confirm-text class has been changed to prompt-confirmation-text
  • k-prompt-cancel class has been removed. For testing, use [data-testid='modal-cancel-button'] instead.
  • k-prompt-proceed class has been removed. For testing, use [data-testid='modal-action-button'] instead.

Constants, Types & Interfaces

  • PromptVariantsArray const has been removed
  • PromptVariants type has been removed


Removed as of v9. Use KComponent instead.


Removed as of v9. Use KTooltip instead.



  • testMode prop has been removed
  • type prop has been deprecated in favor of card prop
  • help property of labelAttributes prop has been deprecated in favor of info


  • k-input class on the input[type="radio"] has been changed to radio-input
  • k-radio-default class has been removed
  • k-radio-card class has been changed to radio-card
  • k-radio-label class has been changed to radio-label. If you were using k-radio-label to leverage preconfigured KRadio styles we suggest passing the label content through the label prop
  • k-radio-description class has been changed to radio-description. If you were using k-radio-description to leverage preconfigured KRadio styles we suggest passing the label content through the description prop


Removed as of v9. Use KBreadcumbs instead.



  • allowPointerEvents prop has been removed
  • isDisabled prop has been changed to disabled


  • name="option.value" attribute has been removed and replaced with data-testid="option.value-option" attribute

Constants, Types & Interfaces

  • value property in SegmentedControlOption type no longer accepts boolean



  • appearance prop has been removed. KSelect comes in one appearance (what previously was select appearance). If you need an element that behaves like a select but looks like a button, check out KDropdown's selectionMenu prop
  • buttonText prop has been removed
  • testMode prop has been removed
  • overlayLabel prop has been removed
  • filterFunc prop has been renamed to filterFunction
  • autosuggest prop has been removed and replaced with enableFiltering prop. Should you want to simply enable default component-handled filtering or perform async fetching behind the scenes, you can use this prop in combination with@query-change event to achieve that
  • positionFixed prop has been removed


  • item:added event has been changed to item-added
  • item:removed event has been changed to item-removed


  • k-select-input data-testid attribute has been changed to select-input
  • dynamic k-select-item-* data-testid attribute has been changed to select-item-*
  • k-select-dropdown-footer-text class has been changed to dropdown-footer
  • k-select-item-label class has been changed to select-item-label
  • k-select-item class has been changed to select-item
  • k-select-loading class has been changed to select-loading
  • k-select-loading data-testid attribute has been changed to select-loading
  • k-select-group-title class has been changed to select-group-title
  • k-select-selected-item data-testid attribute has been changed to selected-item
  • k-select-list class has been changed to select-items-container
  • k-select-label data-testid attribute has been changed to select-label
  • k-select-new-item data-testid attribute and class has been changed to select-add-item

Constants, Types & Interfaces

  • SelectAppearanceArray const has been removed
  • SelectAppearance type has been removed
  • SelectFilterFnParams interface has been renamed to SelectFilterFunctionParams



  • tableColumns prop default value has changed


  • k-skeleton-container class has been replaced with k-skeleton
  • box class has been replaced with skeleton-box



  • isVisible prop has been changed to visible
  • preventCloseOnBlur prop has been removed in favor of new closeOnBlur prop
  • closeButtonAlignment prop has been removed


  • before-title slot has been removed (you can use the newly added title slot instead)
  • after-title slot has been removed (you can use the newly added title slot instead)


  • panel class has been replaced with slideout-container class
  • slideout-panel data-testid attribute has been replaced with slideout-container
  • k-slideout-header-content class has been replaced with slideout-header class
  • close-button-start and close-button-end data-testid attributes have been removed. Use the slideout-close-icon data-testid attribute instead.
  • k-slideout-main-title class and k-slideout-title class and data-testid attribute were been replaced with slideout-title
  • content class has been replaced with slideout-content class
  • content-card class has been removed



  • k-step-container class has been replaced with step-container
  • k-step class has been replaced with step
  • k-step-label class has been replaced with step-label



  • hasHover prop has been removed and replaced with rowHover prop
  • hasSideBorder prop has been removed
  • hasError prop has been removed and replaced with error prop
  • isLoading prop has been removed and replaced with loading prop
  • disableSorting prop has been removed and replaced with sortable prop (defaults to true)
  • enableClientSort prop has been removed and replaced with clientSort prop
  • sortHandlerFn prop has been removed and replaced with sortHandlerFunction prop
  • emptyStateIcon prop has been removed. You can use the new emptyStateIconVariant prop instead
  • emptyStateIconColor prop has been removed
  • emptyStateIconSize prop has been removed
  • emptyStateActionButtonIcon prop has been removed. You can use the new empty-state-action-icon slot instead
  • errorStateIcon prop has been removed
  • errorStateIconColor prop has been removed
  • errorStateIconSize prop has been removed
  • options prop (deprecated) has been removed
  • sortOrder prop (deprecated) has been removed
  • testMode prop has been removed
  • paginationType prop has been removed. You can use new paginationOffset prop instead


  • ktable-error-cta-clicked event has been renamed to error-action-click
  • ktable-empty-state-cta-clicked event has been renamed to empty-state-action-click


  • k-table-container class has been changed to k-table
  • k-table-toolbar class and data-testid attribute has been changed to table-toolbar
  • k-table-skeleton data-testid attribute has been changed to table-skeleton
  • k-table-error-state class and data-testid attribute has been changed to table-error-state
  • k-table-empty-state class and data-testid attribute has been changed to table-empty-state
  • k-table-wrapper class has been changed to table-wrapper
  • table.k-table class has been changed to table
  • k-table-headers class has been changed to table-headers
  • k-table-header-* data-testid attribute has been changed to table-header-*
  • k-table-pagination class and data-testid attribute has been changed to table-pagination
  • caret class has been changed to sort-icon

Constants, Types & Interfaces

  • useSortHandlerFn parameter in TableHeader interface has been renamed to useSortHandlerFunction
  • TableSortOrderArray const has been removed
  • TableSortOrder type has been removed
  • TableTestModeArray const has been removed
  • TableTestMode type has been removed
  • TablePaginationTypeArray const has been removed
  • TablePaginationType type has been removed



  • hasPanels prop has been renamed to hidePanels. the default value for this prop has also been changed to false


  • changed event has been rename to change



  • testMode prop is removed
  • isResizable prop is deprecated in favor of resizable prop
  • hasError prop is deprecated in favor of error prop
  • cols prop has been removed (use CSS to control the width of the textarea)
  • disableCharacterLimit prop has been removed. You can pass a boolean false to characterLimit prop to disable character limit


  • k-input-wrapper class has been changed to k-textarea
  • has-error class has been changed to input-error
  • k-input class has been changed to input-textarea
  • form-control class has been removed
  • is-resizable class has been changed to resizable



  • toaster-container-outer class has been replaced with k-toaster
  • toaster-item class has been replaced with toaster
  • message and k-alert-msg classes has been replaced with toaster-message

Constants, Types & Interfaces

  • toasterAppearances constant has been renamed to ToasterAppearances
  • Toast interface changes:
    • title property has been added
    • message property became optional
    • appearances property is no longer an instance of AlertAppearance type - instead it is an instance of new ToasterAppearance type



  • testMode prop has been removed
  • label prop has been deprecated in favor of text prop
  • positionFixed prop has been removed


  • k-tooltip-top class has been changed to tooltip-top
  • k-tooltip-right class has been changed to tooltip-right
  • k-tooltip-bottom class has been changed to tooltip-bottom
  • k-tooltip-left class has been changed to tooltip-left



  • icon property has been removed from items prop. You can use the item-icon slot to provide your custom icon or use new hideIcons prop to hide the icon

Constants, Types & Interfaces

  • icon property has been removed from TreeListItem interface


  • k-tree-draggable class has been changed to tree-draggable
  • k-tree-item-container class has been changed to tree-item-container
  • k-tree-list-grabbing class has been changed to tree-list-grabbing
  • k-tree-item-grabbing class has been changed to tree-item-grabbing
  • k-tree-item-dragged class has been changed to tree-item-dragged
  • k-tree-item class has been changed to tree-item
  • k-tree-item-icon class has been changed to tree-item-icon
  • k-tree-item-label class has been changed to tree-item-label



  • isTextContent prop has been changed to truncateText
  • isExpanded prop has been changed to expanded


  • k-truncate-content class has been changed to truncate-content
  • k-truncate-text class has been changed to truncate-text
  • k-truncate-expand-controls class has been changed to truncate-expand-controls
  • k-truncate-container class has been changed to truncate-container
  • k-truncate-collapse-controls class has been changed to truncate-collapse-controls


This component has been removed.

Released under the Apache-2.0 License.